domingo, 16 de fevereiro de 2020

AIBS: News & Views: Curate or Perish? - Delta Think and more

 FEBRUARY , 2020
This AIBS Newsletter is an AI-curated combination of relevant AIBS and other biology community news to help advance biology for the benefit of science and society. If you received this edition from a friend, click here for a free subscription.
News & Views: Curate or Perish? - Delta Think
Wellcome Trust and the Howard Hughes Medical Institute (HHMI) recently announced the launch of the “Learned Society Curation Awards,” a new funding initiative designed to reward societies who are looking beyond publishing when thinking of their future contributions. What might this statement tell us...
AIBS Public Policy Office | AIBS Congressional Visits Day
AIBS is a membership organization serving biologists and society through Public Policy, Education, Publications, and Scientific Peer Review.
Boulder-based NEON taps Paula Mabee
Paula Mabee has been selected as the chief scientist and observatory director of the Boulder-based National Ecological Observatory Network.
Carrageenans from the Red Seaweed Sarconema filiforme Attenuate...
Carrageenans are thickening and gelling agents that may provide health benefits. Iota (ι)-carrageenan, a linear sulfated polysaccharide, is produced by the red seaweed, Sarconema filiforme. This study investigated the potential of this seaweed as a functional food for the reversal of metabolic...
Energy storage startup SPARKZ licenses ORNL cobalt-free battery tech
PhD Position in Receptor-kinase-mediated Cell Wall Integrity Signaling
The Canadian Rare Diseases Models and Mechanisms (RDMM) Network: Connecting Understudied Genes to Model Organisms
Announcing the 2020 ASPB Sharon Gray Women’s Young Investigator Travel Award Winners | Plant Science Today
Online program management companies face Washington microscope
Not so fast: Some batteries can be pushed too far

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