quinta-feira, 30 de novembro de 2017

It's not too late to make a #GivingTuesday gift (and get a t-shirt)

Endangered species count on the protections of the Endangered Species Act. Without this law, we may have lost bald eagles, grizzly bears, California condors, and even gray wolves. But the law is under attack in Congress and the Trump administration is weakening protections for wildlife.
Help the Endangered Species Coalition fight to protect the Endangered Species Act by purchasing a t-shirt for Giving Tuesday. It's just $19.99 and nearly 50% of the sales proceeds go directly to support grassroots organizing in support of endangered species.
Thank you for all that you do for endangered and threatened species.
Leda Huta
Executive Director
Endangered Species Coalition
Links not working? Support endangered species conservation this Giving Tuesday at this URL: https://www.bonfire.com/save-the-endangered-species-act/
P.S. If you would like to make a Giving Tuesday donation but do not want/need the shirt, you can do so at this URL: https://secure.actblue.com/donate/escgivingtuesday

ACNUR: Carta de um campo de refugiados

Um relato emocionante que descreve como os profissionais do ACNUR estão trabalhando incessantemente para atender mais de 600 mil refugiados rohingya
Leia o depoimento
Refugiado sírio tem diploma revalidado e sonha com futuro próspero no Brasil
Apoiado pelo ACNUR, o projeto ““Revalidação de Diplomas de Refugiados no Brasil” possibilita que pessoas refugiadas conquistem empregos em sua área de formação.
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O mundo não deve dar as costas à crise de refugiados da Síria
A situação humanitária permanece terrível e mais de cinco milhões de sírios que vivem como refugiados nos países vizinhos ainda não podem voltar para casa.
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Jovem congolesa canta e encanta no The Voice Brasil
Com apenas 16 anos, Isabel descobriu que sua voz pode ser uma forma de conscientizar as pessoas sobre a causa do refúgio, demonstrando que refugiados também têm sonhos, necessidades e habilidades como qualquer pessoa.
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Eu ajudo o ACNUR porque:
"Minha motivação foi ajudar o ACNUR, incentivando a campanha já existente. A gravura “O Mundo em Fuga” tem uma sensibilidade incrível. Muitas pessoas desconhecem a grandiosidade da crise dos refugiados, a dor, as dificuldades, o preconceito que sofrem. Tanto as doações quanto a divulgação só terão efeito se somadas, ou, ainda melhor, multiplicadas!"

Tatiana Ferreira, doadora do ACNUR
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Este e-mail foi enviado por: ACNUR, a Agência da ONU para Refugiados
SCN Qd. 05, Bl.A Torre Sul Sala 801, Brasilia Shopping, Bairro Asa Norte Brasilia, DF, 70.715-900, Brazil

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NOAA Office of Ocean Exploration and Research announces the Gulf of Mexico 2017 Expedition, Nov. 29 - Dec. 21

Expedition Announcement
The National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration's (NOAA's) Office of Ocean Exploration and Research announces the:

 November 29 - December 21, 2017

Iridigorgia soft coral with squat lobsters in the northwestern Gulf of Mexico. Image courtesy of the NOAA Office of Ocean Exploration and Research.
Join us as we explore poorly known deepwater ecosystems in the Gulf of Mexico!

From November 29 to December 21, NOAA Ship Okeanos Explorer and partners will be exploring unknown and poorly known deepwater areas of the Gulf of Mexico, collecting baseline information to help better understand this region.

Despite the Gulf of Mexico's proximity to land and the significant industrial footprint in the area, there is still much to learn about this region. The Gulf contains a wide range of habitats and interesting geological features ranging from brine pools to coral gardens and canyons to mud volcanoes. The Gulf also contains significant submerged cultural heritage sites that have yet to be explored. The expedition will help establish a baseline of information in remote regions to catalyze further exploration, research, and management activities.
An Exploration for Educators webpage includes information for educators about why we are exploring this region, standards-based lessons, videos, topical theme pages and much more! 
, HCHB Room 6217, 1401 Constitution Avenue, NW, Washington, DC 20230
Sent by oceanexeducation@noaa.gov in collaboration with
Constant Contact

Team at SumOfUs : Palm oil certification

What's hiding behind the Roundtable on Sustainable Palm Oil's certification?Deforestation, human rights violations, and workers exploitation.
Will you send a quick message to the RSPO to demand the suspension of palm oil suppliers who exploit workers and the planet? 
Certified sustainable palm oil? More like certified deforestation, human rights abuse, and workers exploitation. The Roundtable on Sustainable Palm Oil (RSPO) certifies destruction and major brands like PepsiCo love it.
The RSPO is the global certification body for “sustainable” palm oil. If a big name brand, like PepsiCo, Unilever, or Mondelez claims it’s using sustainable palm oil in the products you buy, it almost certainly means RSPO oil. A report published this week by our partner Rainforest Action Network (RAN) shows how ongoing exploitation and abuse are rampant in RSPO-certified oil from palm oil giant Indofood.
Indofood is a repeated palm oil offender who makes all of PepsiCo's products in Southeast Asia, and a likely supplier to global brands Unilever, Kellogg's, Mondelez, Mars and Hershey's.
We can’t wait any longer. Now’s the perfect time to put the RSPO to test.
Send a message and demand the RSPO enforce its standards and drop palm oil suppliers who exploit workers or the planet.
Unfortunately, this is not a new problem. This is the second year in a row that RAN field investigations have shown rampant abuses in RSPO oil, including problems as disturbing as the use of child labor on palm oil plantations.
The RSPO has dragged its heels, and so far has failed to do its job and enforce its own standards. To maintain credibility, protect the planet, and its people, the RSPO must kick out Indofood, and any other palm oil supplier refusing to produce its products without doing harm to workers or rainforests.
RAN’s report shows concrete evidence which proves Indofood’s ongoing abuses — in blatant violation of the RSPO standard.
The RSPO cannot claim ignorance any longer, and with your help we want to send a strong message today. It only takes a minute.
Demand the Roundtable on Sustainable Palm Oil stop certifying Indofood and other forest-wrecking companies as “sustainable!”
Thanks for all that you do,
Fatah and the team at SumOfUs

More information:
“Sustainable” Palm Oil? New Investigation Shows Rampant Abuse,Rainforest Action Network, November 27, 2017

SumOfUs is a community of people from around the world committed to curbing the growing power of corporations. We want to buy from, work for and invest in companies that respect the environment, treat their workers well and respect democracy. And we’re not afraid to stand up to them when they don’t.
Please help keep SumOfUs strong by chipping in $3

Update on status of Final EIS for FNF Plan Revision & NCDE GBCS Amendment to the Lolo, Helena-Lewis and Clark, and Kootenai NFs

FS Flathead National Forest

I would like to update you on the status of the final environmental impact statement for the revised forest plan and the draft records of decision. In addition to addressing the effects of the Flathead National Forest revised forest plan, the final environmental impact statement includes discussion of the environmental consequences of the forest plan amendments to incorporate habitat-related management direction for the Northern Continental Divide Ecosystem grizzly bear population on the Helena-Lewis and Clark, Kootenai, and Lolo National Forests.
We had planned to have the documents out for the pre-decisional administrative review process, commonly referred to as the objection process, in November, however we now plan to release the documents in December due to ongoing coordination between the Forest Service and Department of Agriculture. The schedule on our webpage has been updated to reflect this change.
I appreciate your patience and continued interest in the revised forest plan for the Flathead National Forest as well as the forest plan amendments for the Helena-Lewis and Clark, Kootenai, and Lolo National Forests. I greatly appreciate the commitment of the interested participants who have provided important contributions toward the development of the revised forest plan and amendments.
For further information about the project, contact project leader Joe Krueger at 406-758-5243. Thank you for your continued interest in the management of your public lands.
 /s/Chip Weber
Chip Weber
Forest Supervisor

Índios ticuna criam milícia uniformizada no AM

Resumo diário de notícias selecionadas
dos principais jornais, revistas, sites especializados e blogs,
além de informações e análises direto do ISA
Amianto, Desigualdade Social, Energia, Estradas, Mudanças Climáticas, Povos Indígenas, UCs
Ano 17


Povos Indígenas

  Em Tabatinga (AM), índios ticuna decidiram organizar sua própria força de segurança em razão do vácuo de autoridades. A preocupação é com a violência entre jovens e a entrada de álcool e drogas em suas terras. Cerca de 40 homens e mulheres ticuna patrulham a região. Parecem uma força policial, mas são voluntários. A Polícia Militar (PM) diz não ter recursos para manter patrulhamento na área. Também alega que, por serem terras demarcadas, o trabalho deveria ser feito pela Polícia Federal. O Ministério Público Federal entrou com ação contra o Estado do Amazonas e a União em 2015, instando-os a resolver a questão. Uma liminar, que não tem sido cumprida, determinou a presença da PM na região FSP, 30/11, Poder, p.A8.


  As concessionárias de rodovias federais vão pedir ao governo o adiamento, para 2028, da conclusão das obras de duplicação que estavam previstas para serem entregues em 2019. As empresas querem aproveitar uma brecha legal criada pelo próprio governo para negociar um novo cronograma - OESP, 30/11, Economia, p.B4.
  A concessionária mais adiantada na renegociação de prazo para realização de investimentos é a Rota do Oeste, que administra um trecho de 850,9 km da BR-163 em Mato Grosso. O contrato prevê a duplicação dos 453 km de pista simples da via. Até o momento, a empresa entregou 117 km. E, segundo informou, pretende diluir o restante do investimento ao longo de 14 anos - OESP, 30/11, Economia, p.B4.


  Sociedade civil protesta na Câmara contra proposta do governo de dar subsídio para multinacionais do petróleo fazerem a queima de estoque do pré-sal e botarem economia do país e futuro climático da humanidade em risco; Maia promete votar texto “de qualquer jeito” - Observatório do Clima, 30/11.
  Por 7 votos a 2, os ministros do STF (Supremo Tribunal Federal) proibiram ontem a produção, a comercialização e o uso do amianto no Brasil. O componente é usado para produzir telhas e caixa d'água. O amianto oferece risco à saúde e ao ambiente - FSP, 30/11, Mercado, p.A28.
  No Brasil, o ganho médio do 1% mais rico equivale a 36 vezes o que ganha a metade mais pobre da população; a renda no Sudeste é 80% maior que a do Nordeste; milhares de crianças ainda são obrigadas a trabalhar. Os dados, divulgados ontem pelo IBGE, não deixam dúvida: a desigualdade segue uma batalha a ser vencida no país. E, para especialistas no tema, a partir da análise de uma série de indicadores, ela provavelmente se aprofundou no ano passado - Valor Econômico, 30/11, Especial, p.A14; OESP, 30/11, Economia, p.B9; O Globo, 30/11, Eonomia, p.25.
Imagens Socioambientais