Tomorrow, a brave group of Canadian Indigenous leaders are heading to a pipeline company's annual shareholder meeting to stop a dangerous multi-billion dollar tar sands and tanker project from being built.
Kinder Morgan's Trans Mountain pipeline threatens the climate, water, Indigenous rights, and local communities -- yet the Canadian government led by
Prime Minister Justin Trudeau has said it is literally willing to do just about anything to get this project built --
including offering the company a multi-billion dollar bailout.
Right now, we need to send a global message to Canada's Prime Minister that he can't trample Indigenous rights, human rights and our climate without a fight.
Prime Minister Trudeau has the power to side with First Nations and stop this project. And he is highly vulnerable to public pressure. That means that if we can raise international outrage now, we could help stop this project.
We're heading to Kinder Morgan's AGM tomorrow. Will you please tell Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau to stop Kinder Morgan's Trans Mountain pipeline?
Kinder Morgan got permission from the Canadian government to
drill through a mountain, cross countless streams, put at-risk species in danger all in the name of corporate profit. And in the past couple of months, nearly 200 people have been arrested crossing police lines on Burnaby Mountain on Canada's West Coast, including Indigenous leaders, grandparents, faith leaders, and artists.
And now, some land defenders and water protectors face criminal charges for their brave work protecting the land, water, and our climate.
Justin Trudeau was elected on a platform of action on climate and the recognition of the rights of Indigenous peoples, including the implementation of the UN Declaration on the Right of Indigenous Peoples (UNDRIP). Lining the pockets of reckless fossil fuel corporations was not in the party manifesto.
First Nations who have lived off the land since time immemorial have said the Kinder Morgan's tar sands and tanker project cannot be built. And without their free, prior and informed consent, this project cannot go ahead. Those living along the project route know that it is not a question of
if the pipeline will spill, but
There is no way that Kinder Morgan can mitigate the damage to the orca population off the coast of Vancouver if this project is built: they will literally go extinct.
The need to stop this project goes beyond national borders, and is a question of climate justice. By 2100, there will be 200 million climate refugees because shortsighted governments keep approving projects like this one.
With the spotlight on this project right now just one day before the AGM,let's remind Trudeau the whole world is watching.
Tell Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau to stop Kinder Morgan's Trans Mountain pipeline.
SumOfUs members around the world like you have supported the fight to stop Kinder Morgan for years. You've signed petitions, chipped in to fund Indigenous legal battles to stop this project, helped fund radio and billboard ads, petition deliveries, and you've helped get Indigenous leaders to meetings with investors. You've proven time and again that there is global solidarity to stop this project -- and that people power works.