quarta-feira, 2 de maio de 2018

Endangered Species Coalition : Ask your mayor to designate May 18th as Endangered Species Day

This is a very challenging time for endangered species. Wildlife and wild places are disappearing at a nearly unprecedented rate. The situation is so dire that scientists are calling this the sixth great extinction. You can fight the causes of this global crisis by being a voice for conservation at home.
This Endangered Species Day, we are working to bring attention to the global extinction crisis and what can–and is being–done to protect endangered and threatened species. By signing or starting a petition to your mayor or other decision maker, you can help to bring a spotlight to this issue and empower your friends and neighbors to be a part of the solution alongside you.
Check to see if there's an existing petition to sign and sign that. If there is no existing campaign, you only need the name of your mayor or other decision maker to get started. After you launch your petition, we will help you to promote it in your area so that you can organize overwhelming local support for saving species.
Thank you for your commitment to wildlife and wild places.
Leda Huta
Executive Director
Endangered Species Coalition
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PS. Links not working? Create your Endangered Species Day petition at this URL: https://petitions.endangered.org/efforts/make-may-18th-2018-endangered-species-day/lookup/new

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