Dear folks,
President Trump wants to move America forward by taking us two steps back.
We've got news, Mr. President, we aren't going back.
President Trump has been on a mission to "cut the red tape." In other words, eliminate laws and programs he peddles as nothing but useless paperwork that hinders profit. He has even boasted about his desire to gut regulations back to the levels of the 1960s.
But what he fails to realize – and what you and I both know – is that many of these laws and regulations mean the difference between life and death for wildlife and people.
We've already seen this administration's nostalgia for a time when corporate interests were free to run roughshod over our lands and waters and cast aside wildlife and their critical habitats in the name of profit.
Because if that's what Mr. Trump thinks will "Make America Great Again," then it's time we served up a dose of reality.
Take a quick journey with us back to 1960…
DDT was carelessly being sprayed in massive quantities, endangering human health and leading to the near extinction of the bald eagle, the brown pelican and the peregrine falcon;
In 1969, the Cuyahoga River – yes river – near Cleveland Ohio, burst into flames because of toxic contamination;
The Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) hadn't been formed yet, and
There was NO Endangered Species Act (ESA) until 1973!
But it doesn’t end there:
It was a terrible, unregulated, exploitative time for our nation's resources – and a hostile environment for wildlife and humans.
We won’t let President Trump propel us back in time to some of the darkest days for wildlife in our history – a time before the ESA even existed.
Together, we can achieve a healthy future for wildlife, wild places and our shared environment – one where rivers are clear, habitats are protected and imperiled wildlife come before profit.
Jamie Rappaport Clark President, Defenders of Wildlife
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