quarta-feira, 13 de dezembro de 2017

BETRAYAL: America's lands and wildlife are being sold out J

Please give today!

Dear folks,
He rode into D.C. on a horse as a self-proclaimed "Teddy Roosevelt" politician.
But in less than one year as Secretary of the Interior, Ryan Zinke has made a mockery of Roosevelt's conservation legacy.
In line with the Trump administration's insatiable pursuit of profits, Zinke has sold out the very resources – our nation's lands, waters and wildlife – his agency is obligated to safeguard.
This month, President Trump approved Zinke's plan to shrink Bears Ears National Monument by 85 percent and Grand Staircase-Escalante National Monument by as much as half – all to make way for oil and gas drilling and mining.
Secretary Zinke's efforts to reduce protections for the public lands and waters that provide critically-important habitat for imperiled wildlife are designed to make it easier for destructive extractive industries to pillage their resources – and that amounts to an all-out war on wildlife.
He is pursuing every opportunity to expand coal and uranium mining, shrink our national monuments, and litter our public lands and oceans with oil and gas rigs.
Most contemptible of all, Zinke has directly targeted wildlife with his intent to "review" Endangered Species Act protections that he has described as “burdensome” and "unfair" to the oil and gas industry.
Wildlife should never be considered a burden to the interests of industry – especially by the people charged with their protection.
Ryan Zinke is no Teddy Roosevelt. He and the Trump administration have made it frighteningly clear that wildlife stands in the way of their greedy ambitions.
Thank you in advance for your generous gift.
Jamie Rappaport Clark
Jamie Rappaport Clark
President, Defenders of Wildlife

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