In less than two weeks Europe could take a decisive step to protecting the bees and other pollinators. EU member states’ representatives will meet to decide on a historic ban on toxic neonicotinoid pesticides -- but right now the decision hangs in the balance.
This is a critical moment in our battle to save the bees.
Can you help tip the scales and sign our petition to European leaders?
Count me in! I call on European leaders to back the bee-saving ban!
Earlier this year, the European Commission issued a proposal to national governments that could determine the future of three widely used bee-harming neonic pesticides in Europe.
The leaked proposal reveals that an almost complete ban could be in place in Europe soon -- if approved by a majority of EU member states.
All of us depend on the countless food crops bees pollinate. With bee colonies across the world collapsing,
a neonics ban in Europe would be a huge step forward for bee survival!
But the pesticide industry is a powerful foe. We need a massive, people-powered push to make sure EU member states side with the bees -- and all of us -- over corporate giants like Bayer and Syngenta.
Tell all European Governments to push for a historic ban on bee-killing pesticides.
The EU proposal is a crucial follow up to the partial ban on the use of three widespread neonicotinoids adopted in 2013.
Four years later, it’s even harder to ignore the scientific consensus that neonics used on crops are harming the bees that pollinate them. And the European Food Safety Authority has acknowledged that too.
The proposal is far from being perfect -- it allows the banned neonics to be used in greenhouses. But it is a huge step towards a future free of bee-killing pesticides.
And you can help make this happen!
Tell European leaders to back the bee-saving ban proposal!
It feels like the global fight to protect our bees is coming to a head. The decision between corporate profits or protecting the bees is hanging in the balance in so many places. And
SumOfUs members all over the world have taken action to tip the scale.
Standing together, we’ve achieved so much already:
Getting a French ban on neonics on the law books was a huge success -- as was helping to defend it from recent attacks by chemical giants. With our partners, we convinced major U.S. retailers Lowe's and Home Depot to pull neonics off their shelves and already hundreds of thousands of SumOfUs members have signed petitions, tweeted and sent mailings in support of this historic ban on bee-killing pesticides in Europe. Together, we can make this ban a reality -- and create an unstoppable momentum for bee-saving bans around the world.

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