segunda-feira, 26 de fevereiro de 2018

I need your help for this meeting

Urgent: we just secured a last minute meeting with the EU commissioner who will make the final decision on the Bayer-Monsanto merger.
We have just 3 days to ramp up the pressure on Commissioner Vestager and convince her to end this merger from hell.

Will you please chip in $1 to end the Bayer-Monsanto merger once and for all?
Donating just takes a moment – use Paypal or your card.
Brothers and sisters,
HUGE news: we just secured a meeting with EU Commissioner Vestager -- the Commissioner who has the power to scrap the Bayer-Monsanto merger once and for all.  
This is massive. And it shows all your hard work over the last several years is paying off.
This is a critical moment to stop this dangerous mergerthat would put control of the majority of our food in the hands of one massive corporation -- but we only have 3 days.
With your help, we're going to blanket key news sites read by EU insiders and Commissioners like Vestager with ads ahead of our meeting showing that everyday people like you and I are firmly against this merger.
Donating just takes a moment – use Paypal or your card.
Will you chip in $1 to stop the Bayer-Monsanto merger?
This major opportunity is only happening because of people like you. Bayer and Monsanto never bargained on this merger being challenged as ferociously as SumOfUs members like you have fought it. Over the last two years, you have shifted the political climate of this merger from being a shoo-in to being on the verge of collapse.
That's why we can’t stop now. Tuesday’s meeting could be a vital turning point.
If this merger goes through, we would see one mega-corporation in control of the vast majority of our food supply, while promoting the use of dangerous bee-killing pesticides.
We may not have the financial might of Bayer and Monsantol but we have proven that if all of us chip in a little bit we can make a major difference. A gift now will allow us to keep the pressure high so that Commissioner Vestager won’t be able to ignore us.
Donating just takes a moment – use Paypal or your card.
Please chip in $1 to stop the Bayer-Monsanto merger.
SumOfUs members have been instrumental in fighting this merger. Thanks to your generous donations we put ads in key newspapers, hired some of the world’s top legal minds to prove the disastrous effects of the could-be merger, commissioned a lobbyist in Washington D.C., and thousands of you sent postcards to Vestager -- which got her attention and even a reply.
With just 3 days before this meeting, we need your help again to ensure that we make the most of this historic opportunity with the person with the power to end this merger from hell once and for all.
A special gift from you now will allow us to flood key news sites that EU Commissioners and insiders like Vestager visit with powerful ads that let decision makers know that the people do not want this merger to go through.
Donating just takes a moment – use Paypal or your card.
Please, will you chip in $1 to stop the Bayer-Monsanto merger?
Thanks for all that you do,
Anne, Emma, Amelia and the team at SumOfUs
PS: We would have never gotten this far in stopping the merger without you, Ricardo. Thank you for everything you have done. If there is something you want me to say when meeting Vestager, please email me at And thanks again for donating whatever you can.

More information:
Vestager ramps up pressure on Bayer-Monsanto mega-merger, Politico, 15 December 2017
Why Bayer's massive deal to buy Monsanto is so worrisome, Vox, 16 September 2016

SumOfUs is a worldwide movement of people like you, working together to hold corporations accountable for their actions and forge a new, sustainable path for our global economy.

Orcas are starving. Bring down the dams!

Endangered Southern resident orcas are slipping tragically closer to extinction–just 76 remain. These orcas are starving and need us to act.
Southern resident orcas rely on salmon to exist. These salmon have themselves become endangered due to overfishing, loss of habitat and hydropower dams. On top of that, the orcas are impacted by pollution, particularly PCBs, ship collisions, oil spills, and marine noise.
Salmon supplies are so short, and the other impacts are so severe, that half of the baby orcas born between 2014 and 2016 died from starvation, and not a single orca was born in 2017. The situation is dire and our window of time to effect change is very short.
The Endangered Species Coalition is working with our partner organizations and activists to save these orcas: we are advocating for the removal of four outdated lower Snake River dams that are stopping salmon from migrating and causing the Southern resident orcas to slowly starve.
This urgent and catastrophic situation may only be resolved through pressure on decision makers that can bring down these dams and address their other threats. That is why the Endangered Species Coalition is meeting this challenge. With hundreds of member organizations and tens-of-thousands of activists like you, we can harness the power of grassroots energy and direct it to saving species. We have staff on the ground in Washington working to bring these voices together to save orcas before it is too late. Please support this work with a 100% tax-deductible donation today.
Thank you for your commitment to wildlife and wild places.
Leda Huta
Executive Director
Endangered Species Coalition
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PS. Links not working? Please support our campaign to save Southern resident orcas and other endangered species with a donation at this URL:

LAWSUIT: Right whales on the brink

Donate Now

Dear folks,
It’s tragic. Last month, another critically endangered North Atlantic right whale was found dead – entangled in fishing gear – off the coast of Virginia.
The situation is dire – and without our immediate intervention, the species will likely become functionally extinct in the next 20 years. That is why Defenders is suing the National Marine Fisheries Service (NMFS) for failing to protect right whales from fatal entanglements in fishing lines.
Fewer than 450 North Atlantic right whales remain, and this latest death comes on the heels of one of the deadliest years for right whales since the days of commercial whaling. In 2017, at least 17 of these critically endangered whales died – and a majority of their deaths were attributed to deadly entanglements in fishing gear.
Entanglement in fishing gear is the primary threat to the survival of right whales. In fact, scientists estimate that 83 percent of right whales have experienced entanglement in fishing gear at least once in their lifetimes.
A right whale can die within minutes, drowning as it struggles to free itself – or it can die slowly and painfully over many months from injury, infection, or starvation.
It is a horrific end that no animal should have to suffer.
But the harms of entanglements don’t stop there. Scientists have learned that stress from chronic and long-term entanglements reduces female whales’ reproductive rates. Sadly, 2017 was also one of the worst on record for calf births – with only five recorded.
The math is clear: right whale deaths are far outpacing their birth rates and it’s putting them on an escalating trajectory toward extinction.
But their fate is not yet sealed. Defenders is pulling out all the stops to ensure a future for right whales and other imperiled species. We are mounting a defense for wildlife in courtrooms across the country.
Jamie Rappaport Clark
Jamie Rappaport Clark
President, Defenders of Wildlife

Defenders of Wildlife | 1130 17th St NW, Washington, DC 20036 |
Defenders of Wildlife is a national, nonprofit membership organization dedicated to the protection of all native wild animals and plants in their natural communities.

Photo credit: Right Whales (c) NOAA Florida Fish & Wildlife
© Copyright 2018 Defenders of Wildlife

Coordenadora do ISA fala sobre o Novo Código Florestal que terá julgamento retomado nesta semana

Resumo diário de notícias selecionadas
dos principais jornais, revistas, sites especializados e blogs,
além de informações e análises direto do ISA
Agricultura Familiar, Amazônia, Cidades, Código Florestal, Economia Verde, Energia, Madeira, Mares, Mineração, Povos Indígenas
Ano 17


Código Florestal

  Em entrevista à Mara Régia, Nurit Bensusan comenta os principais pontos da votação prevista para dia 28. Na entrevista, Nurit fez uma análise sobre a constitucionalidade do Código e explicou o que estará em jogo. Ela comenta sobre a gestão dos resíduos sólidos nas áreas de preservação permanente e sobre a proteção de nascentes e olhos d'água. Nurit fala também sobre as demarcações de terras indígenas e áreas quilombolas - Rádios EBC, 25/2
  "Se existe uma espécie ameaçada de extinção no Brasil, são os pequenos agricultores. Uma espada paira sobre a cabeça de mais de 4,5 milhões de produtores familiares: a possível declaração de inconstitucionalidade dos artigos 59 e 67 do Código Florestal pelo STF. O Código Florestal não isentou os pequenos agricultores de manter APPs. Se os artigos 59 e 67 forem declarados inconstitucionais pelo Supremo Tribunal, centenas de milhares de pequenos agricultores abandonarão a atividade produtiva e venderão seus imóveis para grandes produtores. Ou para cidadãos urbanos, que os transformarão em sítios de lazer, reflorestados. Esses compradores, sim, poderão arcar com essas despesas e exigências legais" artigo de Evaristo de Miranda OESP, 26/2, Opinião, p.A2.
  "Ainda não foi concluído o julgamento pelo plenário do STF das cinco ações sobre a constitucionalidade do Código Florestal de 2012 (Lei 12.651/2012) – falta o voto do ministro Celso de Mello –, mas o que se viu até agora foi uma inequívoca demonstração de irresponsabilidade com o campo e com a lei, como se os ministros estivessem a debater academicamente uma teoria, sem maiores consequências práticas para a Nação. A Lei 12.651/2012 afeta diretamente o desenvolvimento econômico, ambiental e social do País. Convém, portanto, que a Suprema Corte seja especialmente cuidadosa, consciente de que está lidando com a vida de milhares de famílias" - OESP, 25/2, Opinião, p.A3.

Povos Indígenas

  No começo do mês, o líder do Movimento dos Trabalhadores Sem Teto, Guilherme Boulos, admitiu à Folha que sua candidatura presidencial pelo PSOL “avançou bastante”. Avançou tanto, de fato, que há semanas um nome vem se fortalecendo dentro do partido para assumir como copiloto de sua chapa: a líder indígena Sonia Guajajara. Sonia, 43, já é do PSOL. Filiou-se em 2011, após deixar o PT, decepcionada com “aquelas alianças lá com a Roseana”. Refere-se ao apoio prometido pelo PT nacional à então governadora do Maranhão. É do Estado que vem a tribo de Sonia, os Guajajara. Ela saiu de lá pela primeira vez aos 15 anos, para fazer ensino médio num colégio interno agrícola em Minas, com suporte da Funai - hoje a pós-graduada em educação pela Universidade Federal do Maranhão coordena a Apib (Articulação dos Povos Indígenas do Brasil) - FSP, 24/2, Poder, p.A8.


  Depois de negar durante dias as denúncias de comunidades vizinhas sobre a presença de lama vermelha nas águas, o grupo norueguês Norsk Hydro enfrenta em Barcarena (PA) uma grande crise, com o MPF pedindo inclusive a suspensão de funcionamento de uma das bacias de rejeitos da refinaria de alumina Alunorte. Apesar de o grupo tentar afastar a comparação, o temor é que essa seja o maior problema ambiental desde Mariana (MG), em 2015. A empresa foi obrigada pelo governo paraense a reduzir em 48 horas - ou seja, até hoje - o nível das bacias para o mínimo de segurança de 1 metro entre a lâmina d'água e a borda. Documento do MPF divulgado na sexta-feira (23/02) informou que o depósito funcionava sem licença formal de operação, apenas com uma espécie de "autorização para testes", algo para o qual "não há previsão legal para operação", disse. A Hydro não comentou esse fato Valor Econômico, 24/2, Empresas, p.B4; FSP, 24/2, Ciência, p.B9.


  Os motivos para a perda de relevância no setor são variados. Historicamente, as controladas da Eletrobrás sempre tiveram vida independente da holding e não prestavam contas do que faziam. Cada uma tinha uma estratégia de investimentos, que nem sempre era rentável para o grupo. “As empresas participaram de inúmeros empreendimentos que, em vez de gerarem valor para o grupo, destruíram”, afirma o presidente do Instituto Acende Brasil, Claudio Sales. Mas, segundo especialistas, a gota d’água foi a MP 579, que a ex-presidente Dilma Rousseff fez para renovar as concessões do setor. Criadas com objetivo de reduzir as tarifas de energia elétrica, as regras também abalaram o caixa das geradoras, em especial da Eletrobrás. “Ao mesmo tempo, a estatal estava comprometida com grandes investimentos, como as hidrelétricas de Jirau, Santo Antônio e Belo Monte (onde detinha 49% da participação)”, afirma o professor da UFRJ, Nivalde de Castro - OESP, 25/2, Economia, p.B4.
  Acusada pelo Ibama e pela Polícia Federal de fornecer dados falsos de análises de contaminação com óleo e graxa da água que despeja de volta no mar (a chamada água de produção), a Petrobras assinou na última sexta-feira (23/02) um termo de compromisso com o órgão que prevê a substituição da metodologia que utiliza para fazer tal medição por outra mais rigorosa. A empresa terá de pagar, ainda, R$ 100 milhões em medidas compensatórias. Para o Ibama, o acordo é histórico, porque terá impacto direto na redução de poluentes devolvidos ao meio ambiente - O Globo, 26/2, País, p.4.


  "Ao constatar que o Brasil, nos dias de hoje, está muito longe dessas metas internacionais, uma vez que tem apenas 1,5% de sua Zona Econômica Exclusiva reconhecida sob a forma de unidades de conservação, evidencia-se a necessidade de uma radical ampliação da proteção marinha, como as áreas que estão em consulta pública: Área de Proteção Ambiental e Monumento Natural Trindade e Martim Vaz e Área de Proteção Ambiental e Refúgio da Vida Silvestre São Pedro e São Paulo" artigo de Geraldo Alckmin e Maurício Bursadin - OESP, 24/2, Opinião, p.A2.
  "Títulos verdes (green bonds) são papéis de dívida para financiar projetos de desenvolvimento sustentável ou de adaptação às mudanças climáticas, em áreas como energias renováveis, controle de poluição, transporte limpo, agropecuária de baixo carbono, conservação florestal e gestão de recursos hídricos. As emissões globais desses papéis totalizam cerca de US$ 900 bilhões, destinados, sobretudo, a projetos de transportes (61%) e energia (19%). No Brasil, as emissões de títulos verdes são de US$ 3,7 bilhões, com destaque para projetos de energia (42%), agricultura e florestas (24%) e água (13%). Da comparação entre os números, logo se vê o espaço de crescimento do mercado de títulos verdes no Brasil" artigo de Helder Rebouças - Valor Econômico, 24/2, Legislação & Tributos, p.E2.
Imagens Socioambientais

sexta-feira, 23 de fevereiro de 2018

Watch This: Beetles with boiling butts, the problem with tiger selfies, and more

National Geographic
See our producers’ favorite videos of the week.
|     2:43    |     NEWS    |
Desperate for Food, Mother Polar Bear Tests Walrus
When we first found this video, we didn’t know the story behind it. But we quickly learned that this starving mother polar bear is making a last-ditch effort to find food for her malnourished cub. A walrus would make a sufficient meal for the ursine pair, if only the mother could kill it. We have scientific evidence that polar bears are starving because the sea ice they hunt on is melting. This video is just another example of how climate change is taking a toll on some of our most iconic wildlife.
Elaina Zachos, online writer
|     0:58    |     NEWS    |
Bombardier Beetles Squirt Boiling Anal Chemicals to Make Frogs Vomit
This might be the best headline I’ve had the honor of writing in my National Geographic career. Frogs like to eat bombardier beetles. Bombardier beetles don’t like being eaten by frogs. So the beetles eject a caustic, boiling mixture of chemicals at great force to aggressively persuade the frogs to vomit them back up. The result? A slimy—but living—beetle. And one great video title.

Read more about this slimy science.
Nick Lunn, producer/editor
|     5:31    |      101 VIDEOS    |
How Are Selfies Harming Tigers?
“Tiger cub selfies” may look innocent and adorable, but behind those social media posts lies a multi-billion-dollar industry that’s driving tigers toward extinction. Tiger farms in Asia “speed breed” cubs to meet tourist demand. When they grow up, the tigers’ parts are sold to feed a demand for traditional medicine and luxury goods in China. With twice as many tigers in captivity in Asia as in the wild, you’d think wild tigers wouldn’t be in the crosshairs. But poachers continue to target tigers.

See more from Wildlife Watch.
—Jed Winer, producer/editor
|     11:03    |     SHORT FILM SHOWCASE    |
How $10 Million of Old Movie Memorabilia Was Found by Accident
I love movies and antique store finds—two things this video combines in an intriguing way. In 1999, Marilyn Wagner and DJ Ginsberg paid $2,000 for hundreds of boxes at an antique store in Omaha, Nebraska. They contained letterpress blocks used to print newspaper ads for movies released during the silent era through 1984. The collection is currently valued at over $10 million, and Ginsberg hopes it will go to a museum so the public can enjoy it.
Rachel Link, producer
|     5:52    |     SHORT FILM SHOWCASE    |
See the Quiet Beauty of Farm Life on the Scottish Isles
In the bare, beautiful islands of Scotland’s Outer Hebrides, farmers like Donald John Macinnes still practice crofting, the traditional Gaelic small-scale system of agriculture. This meditative short film, lit by soft dawn light over expansive landscapes, gives us a glimpse at a very different way of being alive than what many of us experience in urban areas.
— Rachel Brown, associate producer
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