Dear folks,
Sharks are amazing ocean predators, and they’re some of the most powerful creatures in the sea. But even they can’t survive the brutal practice of shark finning.
Shark finning is gruesome. It involves catching sharks, hacking off their fins and tails – usually while they are still alive – and throwing them back in the water. Unable to swim, the sharks then bleed to death, starve or drown. This brutal killing of our oceans' apex predators must stop!
Shark finning has placed more than 70 percent of the 14 most common shark species in the fin trade at risk of extinction. Globally, as many as 73 million sharks are killed for their fins each year.
And even though shark finning is illegal in U.S. waters and the possession and sale of shark fins is banned in twelve states and three territories, huge quantities of fins – tens of thousands of pounds – are still imported to the U.S. every year.
One in four species of sharks is already in danger of extinction. The U.S. must take a leading role in the fight to stop the slaughter by banning the trade of shark fins at the national level.
Thank you for your continued commitment to standing with wildlife and fighting to protect our world’s most vulnerable species.
Alejandra Goyenechea Senior International Counsel Defenders of Wildlife
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