terça-feira, 31 de outubro de 2017

Don't let Congress axe our forests!

Take Action Today!
Dear folks,
The House is attempting to pass a bill that would take an axe to our national forests and the wildlife that depend on them.
The "Resilient Federal Forest Act of 2017" (H.R. 2936), guts environmental safeguards and promotes reckless logging across our national forests and other public lands. This bill could have devastating consequences for imperiled wildlife, fish and plants, and it puts communities at higher risk of fire, flooding and degraded drinking water quality.
America’s national forests are strongholds for at-risk wildlife, fish and plants. More than 400 animals and plants that are listed under the Endangered Species Act – from wolves, to jaguars, to bighorn sheep – depend on these unique habitats, and over 3,000 other at-risk species also call our national forests home.
But it’s not just wildlife and trees on the chopping block. H.R. 2936 would remove requirements that are critical to safeguarding waterways and water quality across our national forests. And equally outrageous – the bill would block citizens from going to court to hold the Trump administration accountable for violating environmental laws.
This bill tries to hide the environmental, economic and social harms of reckless logging by exempting projects from essential review and compliance with environmental laws. It’s a recipe for disaster for our forests, our wildlife and our communities.
For woodland woodpeckers, great big grizzlies and all the wildlife in between, please take a stand and urge your member of Congress to OPPOSE H.R. 2936.
Thank you for all you do for wildlife.
Robert Dewey, Vice President
Robert Dewey
Vice President of Government Relations & External Affairs
Defenders of Wildlife

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